Our plan passes through four formal stages before it is made.

The plan is supported by a number of documents along with other evidence including, for example, the residents questionnaire. These are available through this site. Our core documents are:

Consultation Statement – detailing all the comments received as a part of the Regulation 14 process and the changes made to the plan as a result of those comments.

Basic Conditions Statement –reviews the plan for conformance with the National Planning Policy Framework, the existing  borough local plan and the emerging local plan

Strategic Environmental Scoping document Identifies local issues and pressures and sets a series of objectives for our plan

Strategic Environmental Assessment – This reviews the plan polcies against our Strategic Environmental Scoping document. To ensure our policies meet our overall objectives set out in the document above.

Green Spaces Assessment – Our plan contains Green Spaces and this document details the process by which these were identified

Views Assessment – Given the elevated position of Goudhurst views are considered an important component of our Parish. This document sets out the process by which these were assessed and selected.

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